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Copyright Bug for Artists

Disclaimer: None of the information within should be construed as binding legal advice.

One of the nigh hard subjects for artists to empathize is copyright police, and it'due south an result that effects artists in many ways. Artists are oftentimes unsure if they retain reproduction copyright after someone has purchased an original piece of artwork. Can someone else make giclee prints after the buy the original? When getting artwork scanned, who owns the intellectual property? So many legal blazon questions….

General Problems for Artists

Offset, many artists don't realize that they need permission from photographers if they employ somebody else'due south photograph every bit reference for a painting. When an creative person uses a photograph for reference, the painting or artwork is chosen a derivative work. While the artist can maintain some ownership over their own piece of work, they first need permission from the original photographer to use the photo for reference.

There are however clauses in copyright law that allow for compilations, and uses of existing work freely if used in part, or if the original work has been then modified that information technology can't be recognized as a reference. At that place are many nuances hither, and although there are legal cases that set precedence, in that location is no absolute ruling. Each instance must exist evaluated on its own merit in a civil court (copyright infringement is considered a civil issue, and is not punishable by criminal law).

Second, if y'all are a portrait artist, or figure artist, and yous plan on selling works of art using somebody else'south likeness, you volition need a model release in order to sell the work, and in many cases you will need a model release in gild to enter juried art shows. The reason is that the person being painted has certain rights about their own likeness, and merely considering a model sits for you, as a photographer or artist, does not hateful that model assigned reproduction rights, or copy rights to you. That needs to exist an explicit contract between the model and the artist or lensman, which includes a model release course.

3rd, artists ofttimes worry about the copyright of their ain piece of work, and what their rights are in regard to their work. Many questions arise from this, such every bit "what if somebody steals my piece of work and uses it on their home page on the Net?", and "Can somebody take my artwork off the Internet and make cards and sell them?". In fact, there are many artists who are afraid to put their art on the Internet for fright that somebody will steal their work, or see information technology and recreate it, thereby stealing their ideas.

Unfortunately at that place are risks involved in promoting your work and providing even low resolution digital versions for promotion, blogs, web sites and email. Copyright does not cover ideas and information themselves, only the grade or mode in which they are expressed, which means you lot can't cease people from copying a style or genre. Even so, the culling to taking risk is really only to proceed your work in a box where nobody can see information technology, and your art never gets exposed to the general public. In this case, of course, your art is safety, but will never exist known.

The discipline of copyright is very complex, and is not only constantly irresolute, but it'due south as well vague and open up to interpretation.

Beneath yous will find a list of articles and references in regard to copyright constabulary and implementation.

What is Copyright?

Copyright (or ©) is a class of intellectual property which gives the creator of an original work sectional rights for a certain fourth dimension flow in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation; subsequently which time the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to whatever expressible form of an idea or data that is substantive and discrete. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. In particular the 19th century of intellectual belongings rights covers novel ideas, software and things like genetic technology.

What is the Origin of Copyright?

Although the origin of copyright dates dorsum to the 1700s in England, copyright police is founded in the Constitution of the United States. The constitution explicitly grants Congress the power to create copyright law. Specifically, Congress has the ability:

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. Commodity 1, Section 8, Clause 8, (the Copyright Clause)

Note that copyright constabulary was originally not just to benefit the author, simply society as a whole. Its intention was "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their corresponding Writings and Discoveries."

Modernistic copyright law has evolved greatly with the appearance of technology and changes in United states of america and ooperative  international law is rooted in the Copyright Police force of 1976. Encounter Wiki for details @

What is a Creative Work?

A creative work is a tangible manifestation of creative effort such as literature,
music, paintings, and software. Creative works have in common a degree of arbitrariness, such that it is improbable that two people would independently create the same piece of work.The term is frequently used in the context of copyright law.

Do I need to register my artwork with the library of Congress to take copyright?

If your photos, drawings, paintings or illustrations are first published in the United states or in a country with which the United states has a copyright treaty, they are protected automatically without beingness registered with the US Copyright Office. Also, Information technology'south always a proficient idea when publishing digital photos of your artwork online to put a copyright notice on the paradigm. Y'all may put something like "© 2013, All Rights Reserved, … your name".

It's also a good idea to put copyright data and contact information in the meta data area of your paradigm files. Image files that you lot share on the internet all accept hidden data in the file called "meta information". This includes a description of the epitome, the author and contact information. If you use Photoshop, open up an paradigm and go to file -> fie info, and you will see the following dialogue box:

copyright meta data

copyright meta data

If you see somebody using your image on the net and it still contains that meta information, and so it's much easier to prove that they stole information technology.

When yous publish your photos on many of the pop photograph sharing websites and stock photograph websites, y'all will have the option of deciding what kind of copyright observe gets published with your image. There are different types of copyright that allow you to a) reserve all rights b) reserve some rights but allow some shared employ c) open source, assuasive full commercial and non commercial use without reserve. These notices are all displayed forth with the epitome, and there's no need to register the paradigm with Congress to claim those rights.

What is a creative commons license?

Creative Eatables is a type of licensing that allows shared usage of copyrighted cloth. Creative Commons Licensing means that yous grant others some of the rights that you have to the photograph or prototype. Creative Commons licensing allows some flexibility, such as whether y'all allow commercial employ of your photograph, and whether you lot crave attribution, such as your name or website, with the use. Every bit an artist creative commons images tin can be a swell resource for reference fabric to paint from, as many Artistic Commons Licenses will let an artist to create derivative works. Information technology's important, however, to read the terms of the creative commons license carefully, particularly if you are creating commercial artwork as role of a final product to be sold and reproduced in quantity.

The Artistic Eatables license options include: "Attribution" (this license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long every bit they credit you for the original creation); "Attribution-NonCommercial" (this license lets others mix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially. And although their new works must likewise admit yous and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the aforementioned terms); and "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs" (this license is the nigh restrictive, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't alter them in whatsoever style or apply them commercially).

For more data on the six dissimilar types of creative commons copyright licenses, visit here:

How can I stop people from stealing my artwork on the net?

You can't. So start of all, it'due south probably a adept thought not to worry about it too much. The real question is, how do you accost the issue when you see it.

The respond probably lies in the context. If some fan of your work posts one of your images on their facebook page, and so piffling damage was washed. And if they gave you credit for it, then it only helps you, especially if yous have a copyright notice on the image so people know how to detect yous if they want to come across more than of your work, or if they're interested in commissioning something from y'all, for example…

If y'all see widespread commercial abuse and theft of your images, and then you probably need to seek legal assist. We've seen it happen occasionally, with very large retailers like Target, and it is in fact like battling Goliath. Only that shouldn't stop you from sharing your artwork and building an online reputation. Just if your work is stolen or used without your permission, here are some things yous tin can practise.

i) Do Zip

If the infringing person is in a foreign country where infringements are rampant and hard to enforce or is a pocket-sized website with little traffic, you may decide that it's not worth your time and attempt to fight the infringement. Information technology may not be worth it at all, and in some cases may do good you if it leads to more traffic to you and exposure of your art. In many cases people are using your art without permission, but aren't actually making coin on it.

2) Request a Photo Credit

If the website provides marketing for you, yous may only want to go proper credit. If so, write the infringing person or company a letter giving them the correct to use the image. Be sure to designate the parameters of that use, so it's limited to the website or whatever, only doesn't give them gratis reign. Include the condition that the person using your fine art work post a photograph credit with a copyright notice along with it. You may also request that a link exist added back to your website.

3)  – Fix a Finish and Desist Letter of the alphabet Yourself

When you don't want to alienate the infringing person or corporation (they may be someone yous know or  a potential client. Or they may be naive and don't understand what they're doing), you lot may want to contact them to explicate that the use is not authorized and either request payment, a photograph credit with a link to your website (equally discussed to a higher place), or that they cease use of the prototype. Information technology'south best to practise this in writing , either by postal service or email.

Photographers sometimes send an invoice for three times their normal license fee in an attempt to resolve the infringement outcome. While the 3x fee may exist an manufacture standard and some courts have used it, is not a legal right given past whatever court of law or statute. Instead, U.S. law states that you are entitled to actual or statutory damages for infringement as provided by 17 United statesC. Chapter 5, specifically section 504. The damages that you tin can receive from infringement – especially if you timely register your photographs – sometimes tin amount to a lot more than three times your normal license fee. So you may desire to think 2x before you send the 3x letter.

At that place are some risks in sending the letter of the alphabet yourself. Get-go, the infringing person or corporation may attempt to preempt an infringement lawsuit and file a request for declaratory judgment that the use is authorized. This may get you involved in  legal action for which you may demand legal counsel in a jurisdiction (court location) where you don't want to litigate.  2nd, your demand for payment may exist open-door against you lot if an infringement case is filed. If you lot demand as well fiddling, then it may limit your ultimate recovery. To avert this possibility, include in your need letter that "these discussions and offer to settle are an endeavor to compromise this dispute."

4)  – Rent a Lawyer to Send a Need Letter

When an attorney gets involved, the matter is escalated and tensions ordinarily rise. While the infringing person may be more defensive, the weight of your demand letter is dramatically increased if it comes from an attorney and the matter gets taken more seriously. Some attorneys accuse a flat fee to send a letter; others may charge a "contingency fee" which is based on the percent of recovery. Or the fee may be a combination of both. Whatever you do, if y'all involve an attorney and engage in a legal battle, be sure that the potential payout is worth the legal fees and risks of litigation. Resolving disputes with attorneys and courts can be very expensive, and many of the worst offenders are big corporations that steal artwork on a regular basis, and have teams of attorneys that settle law suits out of court with gag orders attached, so information technology's difficult to prove a history of litigation and claims against them.

5) Publicly Shame Them

Sometimes it's very hard to sue a company when they've infringed on your copyright. If a company has traced your artwork or reproduced it exactly, then you have a copyright instance. But many cases what they'll practice is recreate your artwork just slightly differently so that it'due south non the verbal aforementioned paradigm and that's difficult to fight. For example, Urban Outfitters is notorious for cleverly stealing people's artwork in a slightly different way. In cases when you can't really fight the case legally, you can instead publicly shame the company or private. Let the globe know they're thieves using social media, and if enough people practice it the community can constitute a public record of serial criminal beliefs. This is often more effective in achieving results than the formal ways of seeking retribution, since companies also don't want their reputations blemished.

What is Fair use?

Fair employ is a doctrine in U.s.a. copyright police that allows limited utilize of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review.

Fair use deals with the concept that even though a work is copyrighted, and the creative person, lensman, or writer has exclusive rights, that sure uses practise not establish copyright infringement. Some artists are under the misconception that in one case a work is out at that place in the wild, that whatsoever use requires permission.

Copyright attempts to balance the need for copyright protection with the need for the public to freely commutation knowledge for both educational, creative and political reasons. While corporations have been voracious regarding any employ of copyrighted materials, and take overstepped their bounds and hijacked copyright law to the detriment of freedom of expression, the courts of have often eventually ruled in favor of gratuitous speech (We'll swoop into this word in more than item later).

The play tricks, therefore, co-ordinate to US law, is to balance Article I, Department 8 of the US constitution
with Kickoff Subpoena rights for liberty of speech, as well as the general welfare and interests of social club as a whole.

As defined by Section 107, nether Title 17 of the Us Code:

§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Off-white use

All the same the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use past reproduction in copies or phonorecords or past whatsoever other ways specified past that section, for purposes such every bit criticism, comment, news reporting, instruction (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or enquiry, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the apply made of a work in whatever detail instance is a fair utilise the factors to exist considered shall include—
(1) the purpose and character of the apply, including whether such utilize is of a commercial
nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(two) the nature of the copyrighted piece of work;
(iii) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(iv) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The fact that a piece of work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of off-white employ if such finding is made
upon consideration of all the above factors.

What is a Piece of work of Visual Fine art?

Under Championship 17 of the Usa Code, which defines copyright law, a piece of work of visual art is:

(1) a painting, drawing, print, or sculpture, existing in a single copy, in a limited edition of 200 copies or fewer that are signed and consecutively numbered by the author, or, in the instance of a sculpture, in multiple bandage, carved, or fabricated sculptures of 200 or fewer that are consecutively numbered by the author and bear the signature or other identifying mark of the author; or

(ii) a still photographic image produced for exhibition purposes only, existing in a single copy that is signed by the author, or in a express edition of 200 copies or fewer that are signed and consecutively numbered by the author.

A piece of work of visual fine art does not include—
(i) any poster, map, globe, chart, technical drawing, diagram, model, practical fine art, motion picture or ther audiovisual work, book, magazine, newspaper, periodical, data base of operations, electronic data service, electronic publication, or similar publication;

(ii) any merchandising item or advertising, promotional, descriptive, covering, or packaging material or container;
(iii) any portion or function of any item described in clause (i) or (2);
(B) whatever work made for hire; or
(C) whatever work non subject to copyright protection under this title.

Q: What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Deed?

The Digital Millennium Copyright Human activity (DMCA), was enacted in 1998, and implemented treaties signed at the 1996 Earth Intellectual Holding System (WIPO) Geneva conference. It addresses many intellectual property issues, one of which affects photographers directly. The DMCA states that while an Internet access provider (Internet service provider) is not liable for transmitting information that may borrow a copyright, the Isp must remove materials from websites that announced to constitute copyright infringement.

Your copyright does not accept to be registered with the U.Southward. Copyright Office for y'all to take advantage of this provision. If y'all find a website that is using ane of your images without permission, contact the hosting ISP and report the infringement. Contact the website owner or ISP and request that an image be taken down, whether it be artwork, a photo, or other intellectual belongings.

The DMCA besides provides for certain damages when your work is infringed. If the infringer has removed your copyright management information, such as your name, contact data, or copyright notice, from your work in an attempt to facilitate or conceal its infringement, the infringer may have violated the DMCA. Department 1202(b) of the DMCA prohibits the removal of "copyright direction information" in certain circumstances. Information technology states in pertinent function:

No person shall, without the authority of the copyright owner or the law—(1) intentionally remove or modify any copyright management data . . . . knowing, or, with respect to ceremonious remedies . . . having reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal an infringement of any right nether this title.

You can send a DMCA Accept Down Find yourself, or consult an attorney. A sample notice would look something like this:


SAMPLE DMCA Have Downward Find

My proper noun is XXXXXXX and I am the Xxx Title of Xxx Visitor NAME. A website that your company hosts (co-ordinate to WHOIS data) is infringing on at to the lowest degree 1 copyright owned by my company.

An commodity was copied onto your servers without permission. The original ARTICLE/PHOTO, to which we own the exclusive copyrights, can be found at: PROVIDE WEBSITE URL

The unauthorized and infringing copy can be found at:


This alphabetic character is official notification under Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Human action ("DMCA"). I am seeking the removal of the same infringing material from your server(s). I asking that you immediately notify the infringer of this discover and inform them of their duty to remove the infringing material immediately, and notify them to end any further posting of infringing material to your server in the future.

Please also exist advised that law requires yous, as a service provider, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receiving this notice. Under US law a service provider, such equally yourself, enjoys amnesty from a copyright lawsuit provided that you deed with deliberate speed to investigate and rectify ongoing copyright infringement. If service providers do non investigate and remove or disable the infringing cloth this immunity is lost. Therefore, in order for you lot to remain immune from a copyright infringement action you will need to investigate and ultimately remove or otherwise disable the infringing material from your servers with all due speed should the direct infringer, your client, not comply immediately.

I am providing this notice in skillful organized religion and with the reasonable belief that rights my company owns are existence infringed. Under penalisation of perjury I certify that the data contained in the notification is both true and accurate, and I accept the authority to deed on behalf of the owner of the copyright(southward) involved.

Should yous wish to discuss this with me please contact me directly.

Thank y'all.


City, Country Zippo
Electronic mail


Copyright Free Resources for artists

Looking for that special something? Need a reference photo for your adjacent drawing or painting that won't cause yous copyright bug? There are enough of resources now, and more opening up, for artists and photographers who demand images.

  • Wikipedia Commons
  • Flickr Commons
  • Flickr Creative Commons
  • Collage Collage Public Domain
  • Wikipedia Public Domain Resource


  • Championship 17 of the United States Code
    (outlines The states Copyright Police force)
  • International Copyright Law
  • The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Human activity
  • The Mickey Mouse Copyright Act
    Copyright extended to 100 years to save Mickey Mouse
  • Wiki Article on WIPO
  • Globe Intellectual Property Arrangement
  • Trademarks
  • US push for IP conflicts with international norms.

Copyright Issues for Artists, Creative person Copyright references, model releases, discussions nearly rights for artists, due process for artists, selling giclee prints, image theft, copyright of images, illegal utilise of images, IP Theft of artist's work.
